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TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer Interface Reference

A RadioPropagation layer is a collection of individually positioned transmitter-receiver units charing some basic charcteristics - such as a calculation model for propagation computations. Individual coverage charts may contribute to a combined coverage chart for the layer as a whole. Interconnectivity between member units may be calculated and reported according to the each unit's role in such a constellation. More...

Inheritance diagram for TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer:

Public Member Functions

void ResetCoverage ()
 Abandons the coverage diagram.
void InsertCombinedItem (TagCombinedCoverageItem tcci)
 Inserts a single unit coverage matrix into the combined coverage diagram. Internal use.
void SetUnitPropagationVisible (ITransmitterReceiver u, bool bVisible)
 Sets single unit coverage result to participate or not in the combined coverage diagram.
void SetBoost (bool bBoost)
 Update boost values on on all coverage results, if applicable. Internal use.
void AddAntennaEffects (ITransmitterReceiver u, CoverageMatrix pAcc)
 Update antenna effects for a single unit. Internal use only.
void AddUnit (ITransmitterReceiver u)
 Adds a unit to the layer.
void RemoveUnit (ITransmitterReceiver u)
 Removes a unit from the layer.
double GetValue (GeoPos position)
 Get combined coverage value at a given position. The value unit (such as dBm or meters) depends on the model employed

IRasterLayerData CreateMapLayer ()
 Creates a raster layer for coverage chart visualization. Internal use.
void UpdateNetworkResult ()
 Update connectivity results. Internal use.
void SetPendingNetworkNode (INetworkUnit u)
 Set all connectivity for a unit to be recomputed. Internal use.
ConnectivityMatrixElement GetConnection (INetworkUnit tx, INetworkUnit rx)
 Get directional connectivity.
ITransmitterReceiver GetUnitFromId (Guid id)
 Lookup unit corresponding to given id.
void SetDefaultConnectivityMask (bool bOn)
 Sets default connectivitymask. This default mask will initially apply to any new unit subsequently added.
bool GetConnectivityMask (INetworkUnit u, INetworkUnit v)
 Gets directional connectivitymask between unit u and unit v.
void SetConnectivityMask (ITransmitterReceiver u, ITransmitterReceiver v, bool bOn, bool bBothDirections=true)
 Hide connectivity between two units.
bool ExtractCoverageLevelCurves (double[] levels, double tolerance=0.0)
 Extract level curves from coverage data.
IEnumerable< GeoPos[]> GetLevelCurves (int levelIndex)
 Get all level curves corresponding to given level index.
void ToStream (Stream ost)
 Save the layer, all units along with parameters and coverage matrices to stream.
bool FromStream (Stream ist, IRadioPropagationProvider provider)
 Reload the layer, all units along with parameters and coverage matrices from stream.
bool ExportCoverageChartToGeoTIFF (Stream ost)
 Exports current coverage chart to GeoTIFF, using current legend.
void SetUavLayer (bool b)
 Set layer as Uav layer.


bool Visible [get, set]
 Controls visibility of the layer.
double Refraction [get, set]
 Earth refraction factor (=4/3)
int NumberOfKnifeEdges [get, set]
 Max number of diffraction knife edges in VHFUHF model.
double Frequency [get, set]
 Carrier frequency in MHz. This frequency applies to all contained TransmitterReceiver units unless individually specified.

double RxHeight [get, set]
 Get or set virtual receiver height.
int Polarization [get, set]
 Wave polarization.
string Id [get]
 Get layer id.
string Name [get, set]
 Get or set layer name.
double Resolution [get, set]
 Get or set resolution for coverage calculation results.
double RxGain [get, set]
 Get or set receiver gain. This value applies commonly for coverage calculations.
RadioPropagationModelInfo Model [get, set]
 Get or set propagation model.
CoverageLegendInfo Legend [get, set]
 Get or set the legend info for coverage charts.
uint ModelFlags [get]
 Gets interpretation flags from current model.
bool CombineWorstCase [get, set]
 Gets or sets how coverage from separate transmitters contributes to combined coverage across a common area. If true, worst case will be applied. Default is false.
bool Dirty [get, set]
 True if coverage diagram needs to be refreshed because of changed boost values, without recalculation.
bool Working [get]
 True if any coverage calculation is in progress.
ObservableCollection< ITransmitterReceiverUnits [get]
 Get the collection of radio units.
IRadioPropagationProvider Provider [get, set]
 Set or get the RadioPropagationProvider owning the layer. The 'set' method is for internal use.
IConnectivityNetwork Network [get]
 Gets the connectivity network of this layer.
double MaxDistance [get, set]
 Get or set max distance for evaluating network connection. Connectivity calculations across distances beyond the given value will not be attempted.
ITransmitterReceiver NetworkHub [get, set]
 Assign a single unit as network hub, or "master". To clear any such assignment, pass null.
bool HasRouteAreasOnly [get]
 True if all units have a route coverage area.
bool IsUavLayer [get]
 True, if layer for a single Uav.
UavLineWidthUnits UavLineWidthUnit [get, set]
 Sets or gets the Uav coverage markup line width unit.
double UavLineWidth [get, set]
 Sets or gets the Uav coverage markup line width.


ConnectionsUpdatedHandler OnConnectionsUpdated
 Event raised when network connectivity is updated.
EventHandler VisibilityChanged
 Layer visibility changed.
UnitVisibilityChangedHandler UnitVisibilityChanged
 Unit visibility changed.

Detailed Description

A RadioPropagation layer is a collection of individually positioned transmitter-receiver units charing some basic charcteristics - such as a calculation model for propagation computations. Individual coverage charts may contribute to a combined coverage chart for the layer as a whole. Interconnectivity between member units may be calculated and reported according to the each unit's role in such a constellation.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAntennaEffects()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.AddAntennaEffects ( ITransmitterReceiver  u,
CoverageMatrix  pAcc 

Update antenna effects for a single unit. Internal use only.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ AddUnit()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.AddUnit ( ITransmitterReceiver  u)

Adds a unit to the layer.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ CreateMapLayer()

IRasterLayerData TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.CreateMapLayer ( )

Creates a raster layer for coverage chart visualization. Internal use.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ ExportCoverageChartToGeoTIFF()

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.ExportCoverageChartToGeoTIFF ( Stream  ost)

Exports current coverage chart to GeoTIFF, using current legend.

ostStream open for writing
true if successful

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ ExtractCoverageLevelCurves()

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.ExtractCoverageLevelCurves ( double[]  levels,
double  tolerance = 0.0 

Extract level curves from coverage data.

levelsArray of level values
toleranceTolerance for curve tying. If = 0 or less, autogenerated from data

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ FromStream()

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.FromStream ( Stream  ist,
IRadioPropagationProvider  provider 

Reload the layer, all units along with parameters and coverage matrices from stream.

istStream open for reading
providerModel provider
true if successful

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ GetConnection()

ConnectivityMatrixElement TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.GetConnection ( INetworkUnit  tx,
INetworkUnit  rx 

Get directional connectivity.

The connectivity matrix element for the given tx and rx

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ GetConnectivityMask()

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.GetConnectivityMask ( INetworkUnit  u,
INetworkUnit  v 

Gets directional connectivitymask between unit u and unit v.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ GetLevelCurves()

IEnumerable< GeoPos[]> TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.GetLevelCurves ( int  levelIndex)

Get all level curves corresponding to given level index.

levelIndexIndex in array of level values previously supplied as parameter to ExtractCoverageLevelCurves()

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ GetUnitFromId()

ITransmitterReceiver TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.GetUnitFromId ( Guid  id)

Lookup unit corresponding to given id.

idunit Id

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ GetValue()

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.GetValue ( GeoPos  position)

Get combined coverage value at a given position. The value unit (such as dBm or meters) depends on the model employed

positionPosition to get value at.
Combined coverage value or NaN if value could not be found for the given position.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ InsertCombinedItem()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.InsertCombinedItem ( TagCombinedCoverageItem  tcci)

Inserts a single unit coverage matrix into the combined coverage diagram. Internal use.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ RemoveUnit()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.RemoveUnit ( ITransmitterReceiver  u)

Removes a unit from the layer.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ ResetCoverage()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.ResetCoverage ( )

Abandons the coverage diagram.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ SetBoost()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.SetBoost ( bool  bBoost)

Update boost values on on all coverage results, if applicable. Internal use.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ SetConnectivityMask()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.SetConnectivityMask ( ITransmitterReceiver  u,
ITransmitterReceiver  v,
bool  bOn,
bool  bBothDirections = true 

Hide connectivity between two units.

bOnIf true, set mask. If false, clear mask
bBothDirectionsIf true, mask the opposite connectivity v->u likewise

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ SetDefaultConnectivityMask()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.SetDefaultConnectivityMask ( bool  bOn)

Sets default connectivitymask. This default mask will initially apply to any new unit subsequently added.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ SetPendingNetworkNode()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.SetPendingNetworkNode ( INetworkUnit  u)

Set all connectivity for a unit to be recomputed. Internal use.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ SetUavLayer()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.SetUavLayer ( bool  b)

Set layer as Uav layer.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ SetUnitPropagationVisible()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.SetUnitPropagationVisible ( ITransmitterReceiver  u,
bool  bVisible 

Sets single unit coverage result to participate or not in the combined coverage diagram.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ ToStream()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.ToStream ( Stream  ost)

Save the layer, all units along with parameters and coverage matrices to stream.

ostStream open for writing

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ UpdateNetworkResult()

void TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.UpdateNetworkResult ( )

Update connectivity results. Internal use.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

Property Documentation

◆ CombineWorstCase

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.CombineWorstCase

Gets or sets how coverage from separate transmitters contributes to combined coverage across a common area. If true, worst case will be applied. Default is false.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Dirty

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Dirty

True if coverage diagram needs to be refreshed because of changed boost values, without recalculation.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Frequency

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Frequency

Carrier frequency in MHz. This frequency applies to all contained TransmitterReceiver units unless individually specified.

<remark>Value in MHz. Preferably in the VHF (appr 30MHz - 300MHz) or UHF ranges (appr 300MHz-3000MHz)</remark> <remark>Applies to models VHF/UHF (ITU529), VHFUHF, RadixMKE.</remark>

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ HasRouteAreasOnly

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.HasRouteAreasOnly

True if all units have a route coverage area.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Id

string TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Id

Get layer id.

Unique layer ID.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ IsUavLayer

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.IsUavLayer

True, if layer for a single Uav.


Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Legend

CoverageLegendInfo TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Legend

Get or set the legend info for coverage charts.

<remark>The legend must be suitable to the active radio propagation model</remark>

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ MaxDistance

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.MaxDistance

Get or set max distance for evaluating network connection. Connectivity calculations across distances beyond the given value will not be attempted.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Model

RadioPropagationModelInfo TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Model

Get or set propagation model.

Propagation model info - model name along with associated parameters.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ ModelFlags

uint TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.ModelFlags

Gets interpretation flags from current model.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Name

string TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Name

Get or set layer name.

Propagation layer name.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Network

IConnectivityNetwork TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Network

Gets the connectivity network of this layer.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ NetworkHub

ITransmitterReceiver TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.NetworkHub

Assign a single unit as network hub, or "master". To clear any such assignment, pass null.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ NumberOfKnifeEdges

int TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.NumberOfKnifeEdges

Max number of diffraction knife edges in VHFUHF model.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Polarization

int TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Polarization

Wave polarization.

Applies to models VHF/UHF (ITU529), VHFUHF, RadixMKE.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Provider

IRadioPropagationProvider TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Provider

Set or get the RadioPropagationProvider owning the layer. The 'set' method is for internal use.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Refraction

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Refraction

Earth refraction factor (=4/3)

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Resolution

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Resolution

Get or set resolution for coverage calculation results.

Resolution (meter)

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ RxGain

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.RxGain

Get or set receiver gain. This value applies commonly for coverage calculations.

Receiver gain (dBm).

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ RxHeight

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.RxHeight

Get or set virtual receiver height.

Receiver height - antenna height (meter).

<remark>This is the rx antenna height which will be commonly applied to area coverage- and visibility calculations throughout the layer</remark> <remark>These calculations are thus independent of the individual rx antenna heights set on receivers separately</remark>

Applies to models VHF/UHF (ITU529), VHFUHF, RadixMKE

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ UavLineWidth

double TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.UavLineWidth

Sets or gets the Uav coverage markup line width.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ UavLineWidthUnit

UavLineWidthUnits TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.UavLineWidthUnit

Sets or gets the Uav coverage markup line width unit.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Units

ObservableCollection<ITransmitterReceiver> TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Units

Get the collection of radio units.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Visible

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Visible

Controls visibility of the layer.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

◆ Working

bool TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.Contracts.IRadioPropagationLayer.Working

True if any coverage calculation is in progress.

Implemented in TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Provider.RadioPropagationLayer.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: