Maria GDK
Documentation of managed code in release branch
No Matches
TPG.GeoFramework.RadioPropagation.Data.CoverageMatrix Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 CoverageMatrix (CoverageArea area)
void ShallowCopy (CoverageMatrix host)
void Empty ()
virtual bool CreateMatrix (GeoPos pos, int nRows, int nCols, double dLatRes, double dLonRes)
virtual bool CreateMatrix (double latmin, double lonmin, int nRows, int nCols, double dLatRes, double dLonRes)
bool IsInside (GeoPos pos)
int FindItem (GeoPos pos)
bool GetItemPos (int nRow, int nCol, ref GeoPos pos)
virtual void SetValue (GeoPos pos, double dVal)
virtual void SetValue (int nRow, int nCol, double dVal)
void SetItemValues (int ix, short sval, ushort n)
void SetItemValuesExtended (int ix, short sval, ushort n, short sazim, short selev, float fRange=0.0F)
virtual bool GetValue (int nRow, int nCol, ref double pVal)
virtual bool GetValue (GeoPos pos, ref double pVal)
virtual bool Interpolate (int nRow, int nCol, ref double pVal)
virtual int FillCircle (GeoPos centerPos, double dRange, double dResolution, ref int nFill)
virtual bool GetAmpValue (GeoPos pos, ref double pVal)
virtual bool GetBoostedValue (GeoPos pos, ref double pVal)
virtual bool GetFovValue (GeoPos pos, float maxRange, ref int iVal)
bool MakeExtended ()
bool MakeExtendedEx ()
void ResetAntennaEffects ()
void AddAntennaEffects (IAntenna antenna, double frq, double defaultTxGain)
void AddAntennaEffects (IAntenna antenna, double frq, double defaultTxGain, int ix)
virtual void PackData ()
virtual void UnPackData ()
void ToStream (Stream ost)
void FromStream (Stream ist)

Static Public Attributes

const uint NMAXVALUES = 0xffff
const uint COVTYPE_VALUES = 0x0
const uint COVTYPE_BINARY = 0x1

Protected Attributes

byte[] _packedData


int Rows [get, protected set]
int Columns [get, protected set]
double LatMin [get, protected set]
double LatMax [get, protected set]
double LonMin [get, protected set]
double LonMax [get, protected set]
double LatRes [get, protected set]
double LonRes [get, protected set]
uint CoverageType [get, set]
double Factor [get, set]
double Boost [get, set]
double MinJammerNoice [get, set]
CoverageArea Area [get, protected set]
bool Packed [get, protected set]
bool Extended [get, set]
TagCoverageMatrixItem[] MatrixItems [get]

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